Domain Internasional

Jual Domain Internasional Murah
DeDoHo menjual nama Domain Internasional dengan fasilitas fitur yang lengkap, aktifasi cepat, disertai dengan harga domain yang murah.

Fitur Domain Internasional

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  • Penerusan domain*
    Meneruskan pengunjung yang datang ke situs Anda ke situs lain yang Anda inginkan.
  • Perlindungan terhadap pencurian domain
    Mengunci nama domain Anda sehingga tidak ditransfer keluar secara tidak sengaja atau tanpa izin dari Anda.
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  • Perlindungan privasi
    Gratis pelindungan privasi senilai Rp. 100.000,-. Melindungi informasi pribadi Anda yang ditampilkan di WHOIS sehingga anda aman dari spammer, pengumpul data, dan lainnya.

    Pihak Registrar memberlakukan peraturan baru mengenai Perlindungan Privasi yang semula digratiskan berubah menjadi Rp. 25.000,-/tahun.
    Aturan ini mulai berlaku tanggal 6 Oktober 2014.
  • Kemampuan untuk mendaftar, memperbarui, mentransfer dan membuat perubahan lain untuk beberapa nama domain dalam satu langkah.

*Tidak semua domain mempunyai/mendapatkan fitur ini.

Harga Domain Internasional

LOGICBOXES Harga Beli Harga Restore
.co Rp440.000 Rp1.820.000
DONUTS Harga Beli Harga Restore
.info Rp360.000 Rp1.310.000
.black Rp910.000 Rp1.270.000
.blue Rp330.000 Rp1.250.000
.kim Rp330.000 Rp1.270.000
.pink Rp330.000 Rp1.270.000
.red Rp330.000 Rp1.270.000
.shiksha Rp290.000 Rp1.230.000
.immobilien Rp500.000 Rp1.380.000
.ninja Rp450.000 Rp1.400.000
.kaufen Rp500.000 Rp1.440.000
.moda Rp460.000 Rp1.380.000
.social Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.dance Rp390.000 Rp1.330.000
.pub Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.actor Rp620.000 Rp1.560.000
.republican Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.futbol Rp200.000 Rp1.140.000
.reviews Rp850.000 Rp1.310.000
.consulting Rp640.000 Rp1.580.000
.haus Rp460.000 Rp1.380.000
.rocks Rp280.000 Rp1.190.000
.airforce Rp540.000 Rp1.480.000
.army Rp540.000 Rp1.480.000
.navy Rp460.000 Rp1.380.000
.engineer Rp540.000 Rp1.480.000
.rehab Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.attorney Rp850.000 Rp1.790.000
.degree Rp690.000 Rp1.580.000
.dentist Rp850.000 Rp1.790.000
.lawyer Rp850.000 Rp1.790.000
.market Rp600.000 Rp1.500.000
.mortgage Rp750.000 Rp1.690.000
.software Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.vet Rp580.000 Rp1.480.000
.rip Rp330.000 Rp1.270.000
.auction Rp500.000 Rp1.440.000
.forsale Rp500.000 Rp1.440.000
.band Rp430.000 Rp1.380.000
.democrat Rp500.000 Rp1.440.000
.video Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.sale Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.pictures Rp200.000 Rp1.110.000
.academy Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.accountants Rp1.590.000 Rp2.490.000
.agency Rp390.000 Rp1.300.000
.associates Rp560.000 Rp1.460.000
.bargains Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.bike Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.boutique Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.builders Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.business Rp200.000 Rp1.110.000
.cab Rp460.000 Rp1.340.000
.camera Rp850.000 Rp1.760.000
.camp Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.capital Rp980.000 Rp1.880.000
.cards Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.care Rp580.000 Rp1.480.000
.careers Rp980.000 Rp1.880.000
.cash Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.catering Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.center Rp370.000 Rp1.270.000
.cheap Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.church Rp600.000 Rp1.500.000
.city Rp370.000 Rp1.270.000
.claims Rp980.000 Rp1.880.000
.cleaning Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.clinic Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.clothing Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.coach Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.codes Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.coffee Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.community Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.company Rp220.000 Rp1.130.000
.computer Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.condos Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.construction Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.contractors Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.cool Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.credit Rp1.590.000 Rp2.490.000
.creditcard Rp2.650.000 Rp3.530.000
.cruises Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.dating Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.deals Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.delivery Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.dental Rp960.000 Rp1.860.000
.diamonds Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.digital Rp580.000 Rp1.480.000
.direct Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.directory Rp370.000 Rp1.270.000
.discount Rp460.000 Rp1.340.000
.domains Rp600.000 Rp1.500.000
.education Rp460.000 Rp1.370.000
.email Rp410.000 Rp1.320.000
.energy Rp1.590.000 Rp2.490.000
.engineering Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.enterprises Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.equipment Rp350.000 Rp1.250.000
.estate Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.events Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.exchange Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.expert Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.exposed Rp330.000 Rp1.230.000
.fail Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.farm Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.finance Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.financial Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.fish Rp600.000 Rp1.500.000
.fitness Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.flights Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.florist Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.fund Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.furniture Rp1.700.000 Rp2.590.000
.gallery Rp370.000 Rp1.270.000
.gifts Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.glass Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.graphics Rp330.000 Rp1.230.000
.gratis Rp310.000 Rp1.190.000
.gripe Rp460.000 Rp1.340.000
.guide Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.guru Rp580.000 Rp1.480.000
.healthcare Rp980.000 Rp1.880.000
.holdings Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.holiday Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.house Rp600.000 Rp1.500.000
.immo Rp460.000 Rp1.340.000
.industries Rp600.000 Rp1.500.000
.institute Rp390.000 Rp1.300.000
.insure Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.international Rp430.000 Rp1.380.000
.investments Rp1.700.000 Rp2.590.000
.kitchen Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.land Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.lease Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.legal Rp960.000 Rp1.860.000
.life Rp520.000 Rp1.420.000
.lighting Rp370.000 Rp1.270.000
.limited Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.limo Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.loans Rp1.590.000 Rp2.490.000
.maison Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.management Rp350.000 Rp1.250.000
.marketing Rp600.000 Rp1.500.000
.media Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.memorial Rp760.000 Rp1.610.000
.money Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.network Rp460.000 Rp1.370.000
.partners Rp980.000 Rp1.880.000
.parts Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.photography Rp500.000 Rp1.440.000
.photos Rp370.000 Rp1.270.000
.pizza Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.place Rp310.000 Rp1.210.000
.plumbing Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.productions Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.properties Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.recipes Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.reisen Rp310.000 Rp1.190.000
.rentals Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.repair Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.report Rp350.000 Rp1.250.000
.restaurant Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.sarl Rp460.000 Rp1.340.000
.schule Rp330.000 Rp1.230.000
.services Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.shoes Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.singles Rp500.000 Rp1.440.000
.solar Rp850.000 Rp1.760.000
.solutions Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.supplies Rp350.000 Rp1.250.000
.supply Rp350.000 Rp1.250.000
.support Rp390.000 Rp1.300.000
.surgery Rp760.000 Rp1.610.000
.systems Rp980.000 Rp1.880.000
.tax Rp980.000 Rp1.880.000
.technology Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.tienda Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.tips Rp450.000 Rp1.360.000
.tires Rp1.490.000 Rp2.380.000
.today Rp390.000 Rp1.300.000
.tools Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.town Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.toys Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.training Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.university Rp850.000 Rp1.790.000
.vacations Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.ventures Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.viajes Rp750.000 Rp1.610.000
.villas Rp760.000 Rp1.610.000
.vision Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.voyage Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.watch Rp600.000 Rp1.500.000
.works Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.world Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.wtf Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.zone Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.reise Rp1.400.000 Rp2.300.000
.express Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.cafe Rp600.000 Rp1.500.000
.news Rp450.000 Rp1.400.000
.global Rp1.230.000 Rp2.130.000
.studio Rp520.000 Rp1.420.000
.live Rp450.000 Rp1.400.000
.jewelry Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.apartments Rp850.000 Rp1.760.000
.bingo Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.casino Rp2.330.000 Rp3.220.000
.chat Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.coupons Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.dog Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.football Rp370.000 Rp1.270.000
.fyi Rp330.000 Rp1.230.000
.gold Rp1.590.000 Rp2.490.000
.golf Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.hockey Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.mba Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.movie Rp4.550.000 Rp5.420.000
.plus Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.run Rp370.000 Rp1.270.000
.school Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.show Rp600.000 Rp1.500.000
.soccer Rp350.000 Rp1.250.000
.style Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.taxi Rp900.000 Rp1.800.000
.team Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.tennis Rp920.000 Rp1.820.000
.theater Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.tours Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.vin Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.wine Rp810.000 Rp1.710.000
.family Rp500.000 Rp1.440.000
.jetzt Rp310.000 Rp1.190.000
.shopping Rp500.000 Rp1.400.000
.ltd Rp410.000 Rp1.320.000
.salon Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.group Rp310.000 Rp1.210.000
.promo Rp350.000 Rp1.250.000
.pet Rp350.000 Rp1.250.000
.hospital Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.archi Rp1.280.000 Rp2.210.000
.bio Rp1.120.000 Rp2.050.000
.ski Rp880.000 Rp1.780.000
.green Rp1.120.000 Rp2.700.000
.games Rp430.000 Rp1.380.000
.gmbh Rp540.000 Rp1.440.000
.io Rp960.000 Rp1.900.000
.ac Rp960.000 Rp1.900.000
.sh Rp960.000 Rp1.900.000
.pro Rp360.000 Rp1.310.000
.organic Rp1.170.000 Rp4.570.000
.observer Rp200.000 Rp5.880.000
.realty Rp5.930.000 Rp11.550.000
.fan Rp750.000 Rp1.650.000
.travel Rp2.020.000 Rp2.910.000
.contact Rp200.000 Rp1.110.000
.broker Rp470.000 Rp1.420.000
.forex Rp640.000 Rp1.550.000
.markets Rp240.000 Rp1.150.000
.trading Rp280.000 Rp1.190.000
GoDaddy Registry Harga Beli Harga Restore
.biz Rp280.000 Rp1.230.000
.wiki Rp410.000 Rp1.450.000
.ink Rp410.000 Rp1.450.000
.club Rp230.000 Rp1.180.000
.work Rp140.000 Rp1.040.000
.beer Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.casa Rp140.000 Rp1.040.000
.cooking Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.fashion Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.fishing Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.fit Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.garden Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.horse Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.miami Rp260.000 Rp1.170.000
.rodeo Rp115.000 Rp1.020.000
.surf Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.vodka Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.wedding Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.yoga Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.bid Rp115.000 Rp1.340.000
.trade Rp115.000 Rp1.340.000
.webcam Rp220.000 Rp1.340.000
.cricket Rp430.000 Rp2.700.000
.party Rp115.000 Rp1.340.000
.science Rp220.000 Rp1.340.000
.review Rp220.000 Rp1.340.000
.date Rp115.000 Rp1.340.000
.faith Rp220.000 Rp1.340.000
.accountant Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.download Rp115.000 Rp1.340.000
.loan Rp115.000 Rp1.340.000
.racing Rp220.000 Rp1.340.000
.win Rp115.000 Rp1.340.000
.men Rp115.000 Rp1.340.000
.cloud Rp330.000 Rp1.230.000
.vip Rp240.000 Rp1.380.000
.stream Rp115.000 Rp1.340.000
.boston Rp220.000 Rp1.130.000
.bible Rp800.000 Rp1.580.000
UNIREGISTRY Harga Beli Harga Restore
.sexy Rp52.830.000 Rp53.350.000
.link Rp160.000 Rp1.010.000
.gift Rp290.000 Rp1.330.000
.photo Rp430.000 Rp1.560.000
.blackfriday Rp2.120.000 Rp3.430.000
.hiphop Rp430.000 Rp1.470.000
.juegos Rp6.340.000 Rp7.230.000
.property Rp2.120.000 Rp3.240.000
.click Rp160.000 Rp1.010.000
.help Rp470.000 Rp1.510.000
.tattoo Rp640.000 Rp1.770.000
.country Rp42.260.000 Rp42.980.000
.love Rp430.000 Rp2.470.000
.hiv Rp3.790.000 Rp8.510.000
CENTRALNIC Harga Beli Harga Restore
.guitars Rp2.120.000 Rp3.240.000
.pics Rp430.000 Rp1.470.000
.christmas Rp1.070.000 Rp2.190.000
.audio Rp2.120.000 Rp3.240.000
.hosting Rp6.350.000 Rp7.420.000
.diet Rp2.120.000 Rp3.140.000
.press Rp1.040.000 Rp2.460.000
.rest Rp540.000 Rp1.290.000
.xyz Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.space Rp430.000 Rp1.380.000
.website Rp430.000 Rp1.380.000
.host Rp1.380.000 Rp3.260.000
.pw Rp330.000 Rp320.000
.bar Rp1.070.000 Rp1.810.000
.flowers Rp2.120.000 Rp3.240.000
.design Rp750.000 Rp1.650.000
.site Rp540.000 Rp1.900.000
.uno Rp310.000 Rp1.260.000
.tech Rp850.000 Rp2.210.000
.game Rp6.350.000 Rp7.420.000
.lol Rp430.000 Rp1.560.000
.online Rp540.000 Rp1.900.000
.college Rp960.000 Rp2.090.000
.rent Rp960.000 Rp2.090.000
.theatre Rp10.570.000 Rp11.600.000
.protection Rp42.260.000 Rp87.170.000
.security Rp42.260.000 Rp87.170.000
.mom Rp540.000 Rp1.670.000
.store Rp850.000 Rp3.120.000
.fans Rp180.000 Rp1.090.000
.tickets Rp7.400.000 Rp8.470.000
.fm Rp1.810.000 Rp2.580.000 Rp260.000 Rp1.060.000 Rp260.000 Rp1.060.000
.fun Rp540.000 Rp1.900.000
.cars Rp42.260.000 Rp89.210.000
.auto Rp42.260.000 Rp89.210.000
.art Rp260.000 Rp1.210.000
.boats Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.ooo Rp430.000 Rp2.250.000
.storage Rp10.570.000 Rp11.600.000
.icu Rp200.000 Rp2.020.000
.motorcycles Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.homes Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.yachts Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.autos Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.feedback Rp6.350.000 Rp11.970.000
.reit Rp21.140.000 Rp22.060.000
.baby Rp1.070.000 Rp6.740.000
.monster Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.cam Rp310.000 Rp1.440.000
.bond Rp200.000 Rp2.020.000
.cyou Rp75.000 Rp2.020.000
.qpon Rp220.000 Rp1.130.000
.beauty Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.makeup Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.skin Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.hair Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.quest Rp220.000 Rp1.360.000
.inc Rp42.260.000 Rp87.320.000
.dealer Rp42.260.000 Rp87.320.000
.cfd Rp200.000 Rp2.020.000
.forum Rp21.140.000 Rp22.060.000
.blog Rp430.000 Rp1.340.000
.best Rp330.000 Rp1.230.000
.car Rp42.260.000 Rp42.980.000
RRPproxy Harga Beli Harga Restore
.la Rp540.000 Rp530.000
.cx Rp330.000 Rp1.460.000
.app Rp380.000 Rp3.780.000
.day Rp250.000 Rp2.520.000
.dev Rp310.000 Rp3.720.000
.new Rp11.170.000 Rp14.470.000
.how Rp610.000 Rp4.010.000
.soy Rp550.000 Rp3.950.000
PIR Harga Beli Harga Restore
.gives Rp460.000 Rp1.380.000
.org Rp210.000 Rp1.150.000
.foundation Rp460.000 Rp1.340.000
.charity Rp460.000 Rp1.340.000
VERISIGN Harga Beli Harga Restore
.com Rp210.000 Rp1.160.000
.net Rp230.000 Rp1.180.000
.cc Rp410.000 Rp1.360.000
.tv Rp510.000 Rp1.450.000
.name Rp140.000 Rp1.080.000
TOP REGISTRY Harga Beli Harga Restore
.top Rp130.000 Rp1.300.000
DOTASIA Harga Beli Harga Restore
.asia Rp220.000 Rp1.170.000
GMO REGISTRY Harga Beli Harga Restore
.shop Rp510.000 Rp3.240.000
.CO (3rd Level) Harga Beli Harga Restore Rp350.000 Rp2.140.000 Rp350.000 Rp2.140.000 Rp350.000 Rp2.140.000
.IN (3rd Level) Harga Beli Harga Restore Rp380.000 Rp2.300.000 Rp380.000 Rp2.300.000 Rp380.000 Rp2.300.000 Rp380.000 Rp2.300.000 Rp380.000 Rp2.300.000 Rp380.000 Rp2.300.000
.UK (3rd Level) Harga Beli Harga Restore Rp180.000 Rp180.000 Rp180.000
CentralNic Group 1 Domains Harga Beli Harga Restore Rp460.000 Rp920.000 Rp460.000 Rp920.000 Rp460.000 Rp920.000 Rp460.000 Rp920.000 Rp460.000 Rp920.000 Rp460.000 Rp920.000 Rp460.000 Rp920.000
CentralNic Group 2 Domains Harga Beli Harga Restore Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000 Rp690.000 Rp1.430.000
LAINNYA Harga Beli Harga Restore
.bz Rp640.000 Rp3.800.000
.ca Rp320.000 Rp310.000
.de Rp170.000 -
.es Rp170.000 -
.eu Rp200.000 Rp1.050.000
.in Rp240.000 Rp2.370.000
.me Rp580.000 Rp1.790.000
.mn Rp1.150.000 Rp3.800.000
.nl Rp200.000 Rp880.000
.xxx Rp2.160.000 Rp8.300.000
.us Rp250.000 Rp1.900.000
.ws Rp680.000 Rp1.900.000
.mobi Rp400.000 Rp1.550.000
.tel Rp320.000 Rp1.550.000
.uk Rp180.000 -


Harga Domain Internasional dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu menyesuaikan dengan kurs Dollar yang berlaku.


Update: 21-11-2013

Penambahan Domain Internasional baru yaitu .nl, .xxx, .pro, .au 3rd Level (,

Segera beli dan dapatkan nama Domain Internasional yang Anda inginkan dengan harga murah serta aktifasi yang cepat, hanya di DeDoHo.
Jual Domain Internasional Murah Qrcode
Update terbaru:
Hari Senin, tanggal 30 September 2024, jam 23:32.

Ulasan Produk Domain Internasional

4.9/5 (dari 44 ulasan)

Tulis Ulasan

Ulasan Pembeli

Kamis 17 November 2022

Top markotop, reponnya cepat dan baik.

Avatar For Ilham
Senin 14 November 2022

Hi, Eric here with a quick thought about your website:

Everything is extremely simple to implement.

Avatar For Eric Jones
Eric Jones
Kamis 10 November 2022

Dedoho offer domains at competitive prices.

Avatar For Shanna Coble
Shanna Coble
Jumat 16 April 2021

Mantap dah beli domain di Dedoho, saat saya ada masalah, cs nya cepat merespon saya, pokoknya mantul sangat lah Dedoho.

Avatar For Rika Amel
Rika amel
Kamis 1 April 2021

Akhirnya nemu juga domain yang harganya terjangkau bagi saya sebaga pelajar. Terimakasih Dedoho.

Avatar For Musthofa
Rabu 10 Maret 2021

Ini cocok sekali buat yang suka membuat website di blogspot, murah meriah.

Avatar For Ayunda Rahmawati
Ayunda rahmawati
Selasa 2 Maret 2021

Kirim tiket suppot untuk setting blogspot, 15 menit kemudian sudah beres.

Puas sama supportnya.

Avatar For Imam Widiantono
Imam Widiantono
Senin 14 September 2020

Banyak opsi pilihan, ekstensi domainnya tinggal disesuaikan dengan jenis website yang mau dibuat.

Avatar For Budiarto Aji
Budiarto Aji
Selasa 25 Februari 2020

Fast respon, bagus, handal, recomended, jangan ragu!!

Avatar For Ratnasari
Kamis 12 Desember 2019

Sangat suka dengan layanan Dedoho, semoga terus ditingkatkan ya.

Avatar For Windan Utami
Windan Utami
Kamis 15 Agustus 2019

Harga terjangkau dan customer service responsif

Avatar For Chandra Rahmat
Chandra Rahmat
Minggu 2 Juni 2019

Kualitas ngga perlu diragukan, responsif bgt semua costumer service nya


Avatar For Friska Prisilia
Friska Prisilia
Senin 25 Maret 2019


Avatar For Arya Wicaksono
Arya Wicaksono
Selasa 30 Oktober 2018

Murah Bagus Dan Proses Cepat,

Kalian Yang Udah Beli Disini, Ga Bakal Rugi Deh,

Rekomendasi Banget Soalnya Disini!

Jadi Jangan Ragu Ya😁

Avatar For Mega Dwi
Mega Dwi
Senin 9 Juli 2018

rekomendasi pokoknya

Avatar For Faridha Ul
Faridha Ul
Selasa 12 Juni 2018

Nice service from Dedoho.

Avatar For Stephanie
Minggu 22 April 2018

Konsultasi lewat wa juga dilayani .. Mantap

Avatar For Joseph Ramadhan
Joseph Ramadhan
Senin 4 Desember 2017

Good job, harga domain berani di adu.

Avatar For Andy Sr
Andy SR
Kamis 30 November 2017

Sudah dibantu sama tim supportnya, makasi banyak kak

Avatar For Diah Kartika Putri
Diah Kartika Putri
Jumat 24 November 2017

I can’t use my paypal to pay domain! Perfect money only

Avatar For David